With a responsible approach, having thought through in advance and presented a complete picture of your future stretch ceiling, installing curtains will not cause you unnecessary trouble. There is a general opinion in everyday life that this is a very complex process that requires special training, but in reality, for professional installers, everything is simple and has long been brought to automaticity. All you have to do is tell us what exactly you want to see on your ceiling, indicating the desired dimensions (setback from the wall, length of the curtain protrusion on the sides of the window, etc.). You will learn about what opportunities the construction market provides, what curtains and fastening methods exist, as well as cool design solutions and more in this article.
Plastic ceiling cornice
It is a flat tire with rails in several rows. This is the most popular type of curtain rods among buyers. Its advantages are as follows:
- On the front side it has a decorative overlay of various colors, which allows you to match the cornice to the color of the ceiling;
- The length of the cornice is available in several options. Easily adjusted to the desired window length. If necessary, cut off the excess length with a hacksaw;
- Installation directly on a suspended ceiling, hiding the fastening elements underneath, or hidden installation of a cornice in a niche of a suspended ceiling;
- Optical increase in space in rooms with low ceilings.
Ceiling cornices come in the following types:
- Wooden;
- Aluminum;
- Steel;
- Plastic.
How to make a cornice to illuminate a stretch ceiling
To install a curtain rod with hidden lighting, you will need more knowledge and skills. However, this makes it possible to literally transform the room. It is recommended to carry out fixation before installing the tension fabric and finishing the walls.
The work is performed in the following order:
- We prime the surface of the future fastening using a primer.
Using a building level, a metal or wooden meter and a soft pencil or charcoal, we make a marking line for the installation of the cornice.
We fix the wooden plank at the marked level.
We glue foil tape to the inside of the product.
Using liquid nails or universal glue, attach the cornice to the installed strip and wall. You can also use acrylic-based putty for these purposes.
If necessary, cut out corners using a miter box.
We install the fixing profile of the stretch ceiling. The distance from it to the cornice should be 7-10 cm.
Preparing the LED strip. We connect the sections by soldering and remove the protective paper in these places.
We glue a special patch onto the contacts and wait for the glue to dry.
We remove the protective paper and glue the tape to the cornice, making a minimum distance at the joints to avoid the appearance of light gaps.
If desired, you can make the backlight monochromatic or multi-colored. It is also recommended to install a smooth shift mechanism. This will create an original lighting effect and extend the life of the diodes.
How to install a cornice for a suspended ceiling - watch the video:
Methods of attaching a ceiling cornice to a suspended ceiling
It would seem that installing a cornice on a suspended ceiling is impossible. After all, it is impossible to fix the cornice on a stretched film or fabric without damaging the panel. But in practice, there were several ways to solve this problem:
- The ceiling cornice is fixed to pre-prepared embedded elements hidden under the suspended ceiling;
- Hidden installation of a cornice on the base ceiling, in a special tension niche.
How does the installation work? Stages of work
- At the very beginning, a so-called baguette, made of either aluminum or plastic, is attached to the walls using fasteners. This is the base on which the film is mounted. At the same time, the distance where the film will be fixed from the ceiling to the ceiling is also taken into account. This will be from 5 to 10 centimeters.
- Next, specialists stretch the film over this baguette. The room must first be heated, and the film is heated to a very high temperature.
- After the coating has cooled, the necessary additional tension and leveling are performed.
Separate communications can be located in the space between the floor slabs and the tension fabric.
The cornice is attached to the suspended ceiling using special fasteners that are installed in the space between the ceiling, then the cornice is secured through the canvas. To prevent the film from being damaged, plastic elements are placed. Before the process of installing the stretch ceiling begins, at the measurement stage, you need to inform the measurer about where the cornice will be located. Make sure that the installation includes a pre-purchased cornice.
Curtains carefully selected for the ceiling cornice will become a real decoration of any room, and will also provide protection from the bright rays of the morning sun.
A fully finished suspended ceiling composition also requires the installation of lighting. It is important to know before installing light bulbs that the permissible maximum power is 60 watts. In order to install the light source, special holes are made in the tension fabric, with O-rings. Next, the lamp is inserted into the ceiling covering and secured to the main floor slabs. This is how a ceiling cornice is installed in a suspended ceiling.
And in conclusion, it can be noted that a cornice on the ceiling is a completely feasible task and not difficult.
But it is important to choose the right way to attach it; you need to include this element in the interior design plan at the beginning of the work. Because one option may be acceptable for one room, but not suitable for another. And a professional, that is, a designer, will help solve this problem. Of course, you still need to choose curtains. Your wishes, of course, will be taken into account, but a specialist will suggest the best option. If everything is done correctly, the cornice on the suspended ceiling will look great. Ceiling cornice options
How to hang a curtain on a suspended ceiling
The most common method is open (visible) installation of curtains on a suspended ceiling. Installation technology:
- We install a fixing profile (baguette) on the walls;
- We apply markings that determine the future location of the curtain;
- We prepare mortgages. They can be of different types: factory-made plastic platforms, a block sawn into pieces, or a solid floorboard the entire length of the curtain. Why exactly the floor - it is perfectly smooth and light. Fastening with a solid board is the most durable and reliable method. It will not allow the curtain to be pulled away from the ceiling under the mass of curtains;
- Next, we attach the mortgages to straight hangers along the marking line (a couple of mm above the bottom edge of the baguette). This is necessary so that after stretching the canvas and installing the cornice, the mortgages are not visible;
- We stretch the ceiling;
- We fasten the cornice to the suspended ceiling with self-tapping screws through the film, trying to damage the canvas as little as possible. We recommend applying a drop of superglue to the tip of the screw, this will reduce the possibility of the ceiling tearing. You can also reinforce the places where the self-tapping screws pass through the film with heat-resistant rings of small diameter. By screwing the cornice through them you will certainly protect the stretch ceiling from further damage.
If the installers have even a little experience in installing a ceiling cornice on a suspended ceiling, this type of installation will not cause any difficulties.
Ways to secure a curtain
The method of fastening the fabric itself to the strip also plays a decorative role. For example, curtain fabric is attached to profile cornices with special hooks. To do this, a tightening tape with loops is sewn along the entire length of the edge of the fabric.
The rod bars use the rings included in the kit. The fabric is attached to the rings themselves or to clips or hooks hanging from them. This method makes it possible to independently adjust the length of the curtain.
Just a few decades ago, a new decorative technique began to be used in decorating window openings - grommets. This means that the rings are sewn directly into the fabric, and when placing the curtain on the rod, uniform and voluminous folds are obtained.
An even more modern method of attaching fabric to curtains is magnets.
Only this option is suitable for light fabrics. It is worth mentioning the Velcro loops as an option for installing the curtain right up to the ceiling. They are easy to remove, although they require specially made curtains with Velcro.
During renovation, you need to think through and plan every step in advance. In a residential area, windows require decorative edging, which adds individuality to the interior.
Therefore, ceiling overhangs are the most suitable option. If you do not think in advance where and how the cornice will be attached, it will be difficult or impossible to do this later. Before choosing a product, you need to know what type of ceiling will be used.
Today, stretch ceilings are widely used. Therefore, the question arises whether it is possible to attach a cornice to a suspended ceiling without any difficulties. To understand well, you need to know the existing types of curtain rods and how to install them.
Wall cornice for suspended ceiling
The variety of appearance and design features of the wall cornice is so great that it will satisfy the needs of many consumers. The main advantages are as follows:
- Low price;
- Huge selection of models;
- Can withstand an impressive weight of curtains;
- Easy to install.
Installation of a wall cornice is so simple that many homeowners who have ever held a drill or hammer drill in their hands can handle it. Therefore, we will not take up your precious time and describe this process.
We wish you success in the renovation!!!
What tricks will help you hang a ceiling cornice under a suspended ceiling?
As a rule, additional materials cannot be hung on PVC film. Under load it will simply sag.
However, there are some methods that allow this task to be accomplished. They will be discussed in today's article.