DIY decorative ceiling - a modern solution

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Standard white ceilings are already gradually losing their positions. They are being replaced by new design options using new and modern materials. Almost all finishing options can be done independently, without the help of construction or finishing teams.

What options exist, and what decorative ceilings you can assemble with your own hands, you can find out further.

Application of decorative plaster

This type of decor is highly durable and durable, and it is also environmentally friendly. A decorative plaster ceiling protects it well from high humidity; the presence of special impurities gives the plaster high thermal insulation properties, resistance to moisture, and it is not covered by mold and mildew.

This material is available in a wide range of colors and can have different textures. The properties and appearance of such a decorative ceiling will entirely depend on the fillers and additives that are included in its composition.

This coating may include the following elements:

Decorative plaster is highly durable and durable.

  • acrylic or polymer is used as a connecting element; their disadvantage is low wear resistance;
  • the presence of a binder such as epoxy resin or polyurethane extends the service life of the plaster, but at high temperatures these elements can emit harmful substances;
  • quartz or granite crumbs are used as a filler, it makes the composition wear-resistant, the texture of such a coating can be smooth or rough;
  • the presence of marble chips will help give the plaster a rough finish;
  • it contains preparations to give it a thicker structure, preservatives and antiseptics, thanks to which this plaster has high thermal insulation and antiseptic properties.

When choosing plaster for a decorative ceiling, you need to pay attention to its texture, it can be:

  • large-textured - grain size 3-5 mm;
  • medium texture - 1.5-2.5 mm;
  • fine-textured - 0.5-1 mm;
  • fine-textured - granule size less than 0.5 mm.

Large-textured decorative plaster - grain size 3-5 mm.

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Usually, stores sell a ready-made composition of white color, which can be painted in the shade you need. First, the specified material is applied to the surface, and then special spatulas, combs or rollers are used to create a relief.

If textured plaster is used, then there is no need to create additional relief. Thanks to the composition of the mixture, you will immediately receive a textured ceiling, which, after drying, will need to be painted in the required color.

Applying decorative plaster to the ceiling is quite difficult, and without proper experience, it may not work right away, so it is better to use textured plaster. Subsequent painting is recommended to be done with dispersion paint. Before applying a decorative ceiling using this material, it is necessary to prepare its surface well, since this finish does not hide existing defects.

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Lesson #2: Decorating with acrylic paints

Try your hand at painting ceilings, because this option is not without originality and allows you to decorate the surface in the shortest possible time. Search the Internet for New Year's ornaments, make sketches and start turning your plans into reality! You can rent a special projector and use it to create three-dimensional images.

Of course, not every owner of an apartment or country house can boast of having such talents. Stencils have been developed especially for this category of people. They are usually sold in craft stores and are inexpensive. Although, you can make the templates yourself by cutting out figures of snowmen, deer, Christmas trees, etc. from cardboard.

  1. Make a sketch. Use a laser level and pencil to mark.
  2. When painting the ceiling, first pay attention to the largest elements, and then fill in the small patterns with different shades.
  3. If mistakes were made during the process of decorating and painting the composition, erase the defects with a damp sponge.
  4. To fix the result, apply a layer of varnish solution to the surface.

Making a decorative ceiling using stucco

Many people do not want to finish the ceiling using popular modern materials, and then they can use stucco. This solution will allow you to make a truly individual and unique solution; stucco is usually used when decorating a room in the Rococo or Baroque style. Now you can purchase ready-made elements, and you just need to glue them and paint them in the desired tone.

A decorative ceiling using stucco is usually done in the Rococo or Baroque style.

Many people make stucco moldings from gypsum themselves; to do this, they take dry mortar or alabaster, knead it well and mix it with water. The consistency should be creamy; the mixture is poured into a special mold and compacted using a spatula.

It is necessary to allow the finished product to dry thoroughly, only then it is taken out of the mold and processed with sandpaper. PVA glue is used to glue the parts. During installation, joints are formed, which are filled with PVA-based putty; after drying, the joints are treated with sandpaper and the entire surface is painted.

Modern stucco molding is often made from polyurethane and polystyrene; these include elements such as moldings, rosettes, borders, etc. They are easy to install; special glue is used for this. After it dries, everything is painted in the desired color. Any paint is suitable for polyurethane products, but only water-based paint for polystyrene products.

Often when painting, pearlescent paints are used, which change their color depending on the lighting; they are applied using a spatula, sponge, sprayer, roller or brush.

The effect of antiquity can only be achieved on polyurethane or gypsum stucco; paints based on lime must be used. To apply the paint you need a long bristled brush.

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The effect of antiquity is produced on gypsum stucco.

The watercolor effect is achieved by applying two colors. First, the base layer is applied, and when it dries, it is covered with another layer. To imitate wood, you need to use a special roller.

Depending on the choice of material for finishing the ceiling, you will need;

  • long bristled brush;
  • special rollers;
  • spray gun;
  • sponge;
  • putty knife;
  • paint, plaster, glue.

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How to apply a drawing

When decorating walls with your own hands, you have to work with paints and ceiling tiles. One of the points of preparation for these works should be written down - prepare special clothing.

Near the wall where the decoration is being done, you need to lay a protective film or old newspapers on the floor.

When working, the stencil must be pressed firmly against the wall with your hand, but it will be safer to glue it to the wall with aerosol glue. For a brick wall, you can use ordinary tape.

The paint is applied with a sponge, brush, roller or spray can. The photo shows a method of applying paint from an aerosol can.

Using wallpaper to decorate the ceiling

The ceiling can be decorated with any wallpaper, but it is better to use dense wallpaper, since in addition to its decorative function, it allows you to hide minor defects.

Non-woven wallpaper is most often used; it can be washable or regular. Textile wallpaper has good sound and heat insulation, but it absorbs odors and dust, so it is not suitable for all rooms. Now you can not only purchase high-quality photo wallpapers, but also order a design of them at your discretion.

Wallpaper made from natural materials is very popular. Their base is paper, and fibers of reed, bamboo, jute, etc. are glued on top. Canvas made of bamboo or palm tree look good; these are natural lamellas glued to a fabric base.

One of the varieties of ancient wallpaper is a material called linkrust. Its main advantage is its high strength, so it has a long service life and can be repainted many times.

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Decorative ceiling - wood trim

To decorate the ceiling with wood, beams, boards, and panels are used.

For decorative finishing of the ceiling, boards, panels, bars and other wooden products can be used; this material has always been in demand, it is easy to process and paints well.

Ready-made panels are sold, in which the front layer is made of veneer of valuable species, and inexpensive species are used to make the remaining layers.

Such ceilings can be made in any room, but in those where there is constant humidity, it is necessary to make special ventilation gaps, and the surface is coated with a special compound.

The use of wooden slats for finishing the ceiling is common. They are light in weight, easy to install with glue and come in a variety of textures and colors.

Ceilings can be covered with rolled round logs, laid solid, with clapboard or lined with boards. After installation, these materials are coated with mordants and tinting compounds.

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Use of decorative painting

If previously this type of ceiling decoration was used only in palaces and temples, now it is also used in other rooms. Often an image of the sky is used for this. This type of finish is usually used in conjunction with stucco.

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If you do not have the talent of an artist, but you want to paint the ceiling, do not worry, now there are a large number of stencils, you just need to attach them with tape to the ceiling and fill them with paint. You can use applications; ready-made stickers are sold.

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Going to work is like a holiday: decorating the ceiling in the office

You can approach office decoration for the New Year very creatively: make a snowman out of cups, create a creative Christmas tree in the office with your own hands. And also decorate the ceiling.

We use the same ideas to decorate the ceiling at work. However, since all colleagues are already anticipating the onset of the corporate event, there is very little time left to decorate the premises. Therefore, we will use the simplest options with rain, tinsel and serpentine.

Let's not forget about toys, including inflatable ones.

And also paper ones.

Including colored ones.

Finishing “stone chips”, “flock”, “chips” - a modern solution

The stone chip finish consists of small pebbles that can be coated with varnish.

“Stone chips” consist of small colored pebbles; the top can be coated with varnish, and its color will change depending on the light intensity. For exterior decoration, use material with larger stones, and for interior decoration, use material with a small fraction of marble, quartz or granite.

The use of this material allows you to hide ceiling defects, but its disadvantage is its heavy weight. Another disadvantage is that this coating cannot be removed.

“Flock” or “chips” consist of acrylic particles of different shapes and colors. This coating is applied to an adhesive base, which also serves to smooth out minor defects. Before using this material, the ceiling must be leveled, it must be dry and clean.

First, an adhesive layer is applied, for this they use a roller with woolen pile, then the material itself, and then everything is varnished. To spray these particles, a special gun is used, this is done immediately after the base has been applied. A special feature of flock is that it can be applied in rooms with high humidity.

All work on the decorative finishing of the ceiling can be done independently, you just need to strictly follow the technology of their application, and then you will get not only a beautiful and unique decorative ceiling, but also a durable coating that will serve you for many years.

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Different ways to decorate walls

There are many ways to decorate your home. The photo shows interior ideas for a studio apartment, in which the finishing is made of brickwork.

This type of decor appeared in Europe and became fashionable among representatives of the Western “avant-garde”. In the traditions of decorating a Russian hut, the walls are simply “whitewashed” with lime mortar.

This style of brickwork design is extremely original and unusual.


In the openings between the windows there are photographs depicting the faces of relatives and close people. Wall decoration is not limited to photographs alone.

Various appliqués and satin stitch or cross-stitch embroidered paintings are placed on them. The walls in the kitchen are decorated with ceramic tiles.

The practice of recent years has shown that finishing walls with your own hands can be done using different materials and techniques.

It is important to emphasize that excellent results can be achieved with a minimum budget and various ideas.

To do this, you just need to correctly make panels, stencils, appliqués and other accessories.

With this approach, wall decoration can be done from available materials:

  • paper;
  • cardboard;
  • self-adhesive film.

Decorating walls with butterflies cut out of paper will not require much effort and will not require significant amounts of money. However, imagination and creative thinking are simply necessary. You can also decorate the walls with butterflies using stencils.

Burnt brick comes in a variety of colors, from bright red to dark brown. Finishing the walls to imitate brickwork gives the room a special flavor.

If you look at the photo, you can clearly see that the room with this type of decoration has excellent sunlight.

When the windows face the shady side, then additional lamps have to be installed.

Decorating walls with fabric in the kitchen is rarely done, although there are some very attractive projects and ideas. Brickwork finishing here must be done after weighing all the arguments.

Supporters of the classic style prefer to decorate the kitchen with high-quality ceramic tiles.

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