How to remove unpleasant odor from furniture?

What to do with a fresh urine stain on the couch

The following steps will help remove fresh stains of child, adult and cat urine and get rid of the unpleasant odor:

  • Blot the stain repeatedly with dry wipes or toilet paper. Do this until the wipes remain dry.
  • Now you should try to remove the stain from the sofa with a soft sponge and soap suds obtained from actively stirring laundry soap or other detergent in warm water.

Do not use a product with a bleaching effect if you are dealing with colored fabric. Be careful not to leave noticeable marks.

  • To prevent the unpleasant odor of urine from appearing, wipe the stain with a soft sponge dipped in vinegar diluted in water in a ratio of 1:3 or 1:5. Treat a stain that has a pungent odor with a stronger vinegar solution.
  • Cover the stain with gauze or a thin natural cloth and iron it with a hot iron. Be careful not to leave a scorch mark on the fabric.
  • If possible, take the sofa out into the cold or place it in direct sunlight.

Vinegar odor on the body

Sometimes acetic acid is used as a treatment for hair or skin. If vinegar gets on your skin or hair, and there is no time to wait for it to evaporate, you can use one of the following methods:

  • Lather your hair with baby soap, then rinse with a soda solution. To prepare the solution, you need to take 5 tablespoons of soda per 1 liter of warm water. Usually one procedure is enough to eliminate the smell;
  • The area of ​​skin on which vinegar has come into contact can be wiped with salt and washed with laundry soap.

The vinegar aroma in some cases comes from the mouth. Is not

indicates that the person drank acetic acid. Most likely, the problem is related to a disease of the oral cavity or digestive system, and the smell indicates the active growth of bacteria. In this case, you should immediately contact a gastroenterologist. The specialist will determine the source of the disease and prescribe the necessary treatment, after which the unpleasant odor will go away on its own.

Remedies for stains and urine odor on the sofa

At the veterinary pharmacy you can find compounds that remove stench. They successfully break down organic substances contained in urine, which are the cause of the unpleasant odor. If you have a kitten or puppy, take care of purchasing these products.

Those who have encountered a similar problem in life speak well of Dufta Fresh, LOC (Amway), Odor Gone, Sanera Enzym products.

  • Special products from the pet store, for example, Zoosan and Dezosan, will help you clean your sofa from animal urine.
  • Liquid fabric softener will eliminate the smell of urine.
  • Treat the sofa with a vacuum cleaner if you have one.
  • Call a dry cleaner to your home to professionally remove the urine stain.

Proceed according to the instructions for use. If you are concerned about the safety of the upholstery, since the preparations contain aggressive substances, test the product on an inconspicuous area and only then proceed to eliminate the problem.

What to do if you don’t have a special composition to remove odor? Take advantage of the tools that every housewife is sure to have.

Laundry soap

The amount of soap required to prepare the solution depends on how large the puddle is and how strong the smell of cat urine is from the sofa.

Grate the soap on a fine grater, and then gradually add water to the shavings. The composition should be viscous. Apply it to the upholstery with a sponge, rub the stained area well, and then clean the surface with a damp cloth. It is better not to use the composition on light materials.

Baking soda, peroxide and detergent

  • Sprinkle soda generously on the cat urine stain, and then irrigate the area with a solution of a few drops of dish gel and 100 ml of hydrogen peroxide. The product is left on the surface until dry.
  • When the upholstery becomes dry, vacuum the area, removing any remaining soda and detergent, and then wipe with a damp cloth.

Since peroxide has a bleaching effect, it is best not to use this method on dark upholstery.

Table vinegar, soda and peroxide

As in the previous recipe, the urine stain must first be covered with baking soda, and then moistened from a spray bottle with a solution of vinegar and water in a ratio of 1:4 with a small amount of hydrogen peroxide.

Dishes smell like vinegar

If the smell comes from kitchen utensils, soak them in highly salted water. And then wash with your favorite detergent.

If the aroma of acetic acid is emitted from the refrigerator, then purchase a special odor absorber or simply place an open pack of soda inside. It works no worse, but costs several times less.

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You've freshened up your apartment and linens, but now you feel like the smell of vinegar is coming from you? If the aroma comes from the mouth, then this is a symptom of severe poisoning. Contact your doctor immediately. If the odor comes from your body, it may indicate that you have diabetes. Be sure to donate blood for biochemistry and consult with your therapist. He may prescribe a series of tests for you.

What to do if the stain has already dried

After the upholstery has dried, the surface is thoroughly vacuumed and wiped with a damp cloth.

To remove a urine stain from a sofa that has already dried:

  • Dampen the stain with a wet sponge.
  • Clean the dirty area with soapy foam and leave for 15 minutes.
  • Mix 1 part vinegar or lemon juice with 1 part clean water and treat the stain with this mixture using a sponge. If the upholstery is dark, use a weak solution of potassium permanganate instead of vinegar and lemon juice.
  • Now all that remains is to carefully remove excess moisture from the surface with a dry piece of natural fabric and wait until it dries completely.
  • To remove the smell completely, after drying, cover the treated area with a thin layer of baking soda.
  • Next, prepare a mixture of 100 ml of water, 100 ml of hydrogen peroxide and 1 tsp. detergent (no chlorine). The composition is applied to the spot from a spray bottle, without removing the soda, and left on the surface of the furniture for 3 hours.
  • At the end, it is necessary to thoroughly wash the affected area from cleaning agents with clean cold water. To speed up drying, dry the surface with an iron through a dry thin cloth.

How to remove cat or dog urine stains

The tools that are in everyday use of any housewife will help.

  • Lemon juice will help combat the smell of cat urine that has ruined the sofa. Preparing a solution for treating upholstered furniture involves combining squeezed lemon juice and water. The recommended proportion of prepared ingredients is 1:1. After thoroughly mixing the mixture, apply it to the stain and leave for 20 minutes. A stain from cat or dog urine needs careful treatment; after the furniture has dried, repeat the procedure. The lemon mixture will absorb the smell that was needed to get rid of. Finish the procedure by applying detergent to the treated surface of the sofa and rinsing it off. The sofa needs to be dried.
  • The soda mixture will help get rid of unpleasant odors and remove stains from furniture. Soda is poured into a container and diluted with water. The consistency of the soda mixture should resemble a thick paste or slurry. The paste is applied to the dirty surface of the sofa, distributed evenly and left until completely dry. Baking soda is an absorbent that absorbs unpleasant odors. Remove the baking soda mixture from the surface of the furniture using a vacuum cleaner.
  • Rubbing alcohol will help remove unpleasant odors and help clean furniture at home. Alcohol has a persistent odor that repels animals. Using alcohol will prevent the animal from trying to mark its territory. Treating a sofa with alcohol involves applying it to the stain with a spray bottle. If a spray bottle is not available, apply alcohol with a generously moistened cloth. After allowing the alcohol to soak into the surface of the sofa, the remaining moisture is removed with a paper towel. Once the paper towel remains dry after contact with the surface of the sofa, the procedure is completed.
  • Bleach solution. Bleach has a specific smell that helps remove traces of cat and dog urine. Before removing the smell using a bleach solution, you need to make sure that the sofa upholstery will not be damaged. Test the product on an invisible part of the furniture.
  • A bleach solution consisting of 10 parts water and 1 part bleach will help get rid of traces of cat urine. The solution is applied to the surface of the damaged furniture, rubbed in thoroughly and left for half an hour. After half an hour, the sofa should be cleaned with a sponge and detergent and rinsed thoroughly with water.
  • A solution of potassium permanganate will help get rid of traces of urine on a dark sofa. Use a solution of potassium permanganate as a means to remove persistent odors, but remember that it is not recommended for light-colored furniture. Potassium permanganate can ruin the color. The older the stain, the higher the concentration of the solution. Fresh stains are treated with a weak solution. The use of potassium permanganate does not require rinsing. It will not be possible to remove urine with one procedure; perform them every other day until the odor completely disappears.
  • Hydrogen peroxide. When using a product based on hydrogen peroxide, which allows you to remove an unpleasant odor from a sofa, you should first check the upholstery of the sofa, as is the case with a solution of potassium permanganate. Mix hydrogen peroxide (20 milliliters), baking soda (2 tablespoons) and dishwashing liquid (1 tablespoon). The mixture is thoroughly mixed, applied to the contaminated area of ​​furniture and rubbed in. An hour after applying the product, it is washed off with a sponge and water.
  • Vinegar will help remove urine stains and get rid of unpleasant odors. It disappears and leaves no traces on the sofa. Mix 1 part 9% vinegar in 1 part water. After spraying the homemade solution evenly using a spray bottle, the surface of the sofa is left to dry for an hour. After an hour, remove the solution with soapy water, then rinse the surface with clean water.

You need to be conscious about choosing the right one so as not to damage the furniture.

Clothes and shoes

To get rid of sweat and other unpleasant odors on clothing, spray the stained area with pure 5% white vinegar. After half an hour, wash as usual. Vinegar will help get rid of not only the smell of sweat, but also yellow spots under the arms.

Sometimes housewives use a vinegar solution to remove particularly difficult stains on clothes. If the product continues to smell bad after this treatment, you can try re-washing it by adding laundry detergent and conditioner. It is recommended to turn on the extra rinse mode. It is best to dry clothes outdoors, for example, on the balcony.

If you don’t have a washing machine, you will have to wash things by hand. When washing, it is advisable to follow the following recommendations:

  • pour a small amount of warm water into a basin and add 1 tablespoon of ammonia;
  • soak the product in the resulting solution for half an hour;
  • Rinse clothes thoroughly in cool water, wring them well and hang them in the fresh air.

Ammonia can be replaced with soda. In this case, the solution becomes more saturated. It is noteworthy that this method cannot be used for synthetics, otherwise things may fade.

Vinegar is often used to remove sweat odor from shoes. The method is quite effective, but it leaves a different, no less “pleasant” aroma, which you also want to neutralize as soon as possible. You can usually remove the smell of vinegar from shoes with the same ammonia. To do this, shoes are treated with a solution on the inside and outside. When the smell begins to change, you should wet a cotton pad with ammonia and place it on the insole. But at night it is better to put your shoes on the balcony.

This method is very effective due to the fact that ammonia is able to neutralize acidity. But many people notice a specific smell of ammonia composition. As a rule, it manifests itself only at close range, and when it hits the air it immediately dissipates.

To get rid of the smell of vinegar in fabric shoes, you need to wash them in a machine, adding a double portion of conditioner. After washing like this, your sneakers or sneakers will definitely stop smelling bad.

If you use a small amount of vinegar, the smell will not be too strong. To quickly get rid of the slight odor of a substance, you need to take the following measures:

  • open all doors and windows;
  • carry out wet cleaning.

The vinegar “aroma” should be well removed from the room. As a result, there will be no tart smell left - only the cleanliness and fresh appearance of the home will delight you.

If vinegar is spilled on the carpet, the smell can be downright overwhelming. In this case, there are two ways to remove it.

  • using ammonia, washing powder and water. First you need to make a solution from these components: dilute 2 tbsp. l. powder in 5 liters of water, add 1 tbsp. l. ammonia. Rub the resulting solution into the carpet with a sponge and wipe away the vinegar stain. Wash off the foam with a dampened cloth. Dry the carpet with a vacuum cleaner or naturally.
  • dishwashing detergent is used. First, the source of the smell must be moistened with water. Apply detergent and scrub with a brush. Wipe off any remaining product with a damp cloth. Dry the carpet with a hairdryer or let it dry naturally.

After cleaning clothes with vinegar, they should be washed in a washing machine with powder. If the item cannot be washed, then ammonia is used. You need to mix ammonia with water and soak clothes in this solution for half an hour. Then rinse the item in clean water and dry it in the open air.

You can use soda to neutralize the vinegar smell: make a thick soda solution and soak the item in it for 20-30 minutes. Then rinse it thoroughly.

It is easy to remove the smell of vinegar from some types of shoes by machine washing with the addition of powder. This method is suitable for flip-flops, slippers, some types of sneakers, and suede shoes. These shoes should be machine washed on a gentle cycle.

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If this method is not suitable, ammonia is used. You need to apply the product to a cloth and wipe the shoes from the top or inside. Then the shoes are aired for 24 hours, for example on the balcony.

You can also soak your shoes in a solution of ammonia: dilute 3 tbsp. l. ammonia in 5 liters of water. Leave for half an hour and rinse. Dry your shoes naturally.

This method is not suitable for products made of expensive and delicate materials.

Vinegar has long been used in everyday life to clean and disinfect various things and surfaces. Eliminating the vinegar smell is very easy using simple remedies.

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Cleaning furniture and carpets should be done with the utmost care. You can remove the smell of vinegar from your sofa, but not all products are suitable for this. Thus, an ammonia solution often leaves irremovable stains on an expensive piece of furniture. For cleaning, ammonia is used in diluted form - 1 tbsp is enough for 10 liters of water. l. You can add a little washing powder to the composition to remove odors.

How to clean carpets and upholstered furniture:

  1. Wet a soft sponge or piece of cloth in the solution.
  2. Carefully treat the area where the smell comes from.
  3. Leave for 5-10 minutes.
  4. Rinse the solution thoroughly with clean warm water.

If you spilled vinegar on a soft surface, try the dry method of removing it. You need to pour a little baking soda onto the vinegar stain and leave for 15-20 minutes. The remaining vinegar will be absorbed into the granules and can only be removed with a vacuum cleaner. All described methods are used to clean a sleeping mattress and any textiles.

Miss Clean magazine warns that after cleaning, the vinegar smell may linger for some time. Then he disappears anyway.

Vinegar is used to rinse things after washing: the solution softens fabric fibers, neutralizing detergent residues. After this treatment, clothes remain white longer. A side effect is a sour smell, especially after rinsing in a solution with the wrong concentration.

A surefire way to remove the vinegar odor is to re-wash the items in the washing machine and give them an additional rinse cycle. For hand washing, prolonged soaking in powder is more suitable. To ensure that clothes have a pleasant fresh aroma, they are dried in a well-ventilated area, for example, on a balcony.

Rinsing things after treating with vinegar can be done in a solution of ammonia. Another way is to add a little baking soda to the water.

Vinegar helps get rid of unpleasant odor in shoes. To ensure that shoes and boots are completely clean, after the vinegar treatment they are wiped with ammonia. The substance neutralizes acidity, and the stink of vinegar disappears.

Another method is to machine wash shoes, but only those that can withstand such a load, and in a special or most gentle mode.

Baking soda is a well-known product for eliminating unpleasant odors. It can also be useful for cleaning shoes. Fill fabric bags with baking soda and put them in your boots; it wouldn’t hurt to leave them overnight.

An effective mixture is soda and hydrogen peroxide: the products are taken in equal proportions, the dirt is wiped with the solution, and after 1-2 hours everything is washed off with clean water.

How to remove the smell of vinegar from things? Typically, a vinegar solution is used to clean stubborn stains and disinfect things, especially children’s items. Therefore, a slight hint of sour aroma remains. It does not erode for a long time and can bring discomfort to the owner of such clothing.

  • wash things in the washing machine with powder and fabric softener;
  • wash things using powder with a drop of your favorite essential oil. It is a natural flavor and does not cause allergies. It is only important to choose what you like best;
  • dry things on the balcony or outside. The unpleasant aroma can be neutralized by street freshness, especially if you live in a rural area or near a forest.

The scent of cleanliness and freshness comes not only from clean things, but also from clothes washed using one of the specified methods. You can even put a little more powder in the machine.

Acetic acid copes well with various types of stains, so it is often used for hand washing. Many housewives neglect this product only for the reason that they do not know how to remove the smell from the vinegar itself after washing. Nobody wants to walk down the street wearing clothes that smell so specific. There are several methods that can help deal with this problem.

The first and easiest is to use conditioner. After the stain is removed, put the items in the washing machine again, but add fabric softener or regular laundry detergent with a pleasant smell. As a rule, once is enough. An additional rinse and drying outside in the sun would be a good idea.

Delicate fabrics require appropriate handling. They require a different approach. Oddly enough, ammonia will help get rid of the smell of vinegar on clothes. Heat the water until warm and add a little alcohol. Immerse the desired item and leave for 30-40 minutes. Rinse generously with clean water and hang to dry in the sun. It’s good if the wind blows, then the smell will go away even faster.

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Another way to remove vinegar flavor requires using baking soda. Make a saturated solution and soak your clothes in it. Leave in this state for half an hour. Rinse thoroughly under running water and soak for another 10 minutes in warm, clean water. Place to dry in a well-ventilated place, preferably outside. After complete drying, do not rush to take things away, give them a few more hours in the fresh air.

As for shoes, ammonia will also help. Using a cotton pad or a regular soft cloth, apply a little onto the vinegar-treated surface. Leave to air overnight.

While everything is simple with shoes and clothes, furniture is larger and therefore more difficult to clean. As for the carpet, it can still be dry cleaned or washed. To remove the vinegar smell from a closet or sofa, you will have to work harder. It’s good that there are folk recipes for all occasions.

How to Remove Adult Urine Smell from a Sofa

If there is a bedridden patient in the house or for some reason a problem happens to a healthy person, you need to urgently start putting the furniture in order. An adult's urine, of course, is not as caustic as a cat's, but it is still much more difficult to remove than a child's urine. You will have to use strong agents.


It will help get rid of the smell of urine on the sofa if you started to act immediately. Apply a strong drink to a foam sponge, wet the surface with it, rub the liquid and leave for a few minutes. Then repeat the procedure 2-3 more times.

After treatment, clean the problem area with a rag and clean water and leave to dry.

Ethyl and ammonia

Combine the substances in equal proportions and moisten the sofa generously with the resulting mixture. Rub the stained area with a sponge, and then leave the mixture to soak into the upholstery. After 30–40 minutes, rinse the surface with clean water.

To achieve the desired result, repeat the manipulations several times, and when finished, use a dry towel to remove as much moisture as possible from the upholstery.


If the puddle of urine has already dried up and a sharp and nasty smell emanates from the sofa, you cannot do without chlorine. The substance is toxic and the use of a chlorine-containing composition must be first diluted with water.

How to eliminate odor this way? Apply the cleaner to the dried puddle, rub with a sponge or brush and leave for 10-15 minutes. Then rinse and dry the surface with a towel or piece of rags.

Since chlorine is a substance with bleaching properties, black and dark upholstery should not be treated this way, and it is also better not to use it on colored surfaces. It is better to clean and dry the sofa with the windows open.

How to remove the smell of baby urine from the sofa

How often young parents do not have time to react in time and the child relieves himself right on the sofa, and urination in his sleep leads to the formation of puddles of urine on the upholstery. Of course, children's urine is not as smelly, difficult to remove and corrosive as cat urine or the feces of a bedridden patient, but when it accumulates, it emits an unpleasant aroma.

In order to clean the sofa and get rid of the smell of a child’s urine, you don’t need strong means; immediately after the “accident”, just rinse the area with water and there will be no smell.

But if you have not regularly cleaned the sofa from baby urine and the smell still appears, use:

  • vinegar with water in a ratio of 1:5;
  • citric acid solution;
  • saline solution;
  • stain remover;
  • baby powder

After treatment, thoroughly rinse the problem area with clean water so that there are no streaks left on the surface of the sofa.

By following these simple recommendations, you can keep your upholstered furniture clean and not suffer from the unpleasant smell of human or animal urine on the upholstery of your sofa.

Where does the smell come from?

The desired set or designer bed has finally arrived at its permanent location, but after assembly, something is wrong. And instead of joy, the happy owners begin a collective search for the place where the unpleasant aroma comes from.

The reason for the appearance of such a stable train is the peculiarity of the material from which the furniture is made:

  1. Chipboard is a mixture of sawdust and formaldehyde-based adhesive solutions. The latter not only ensures the integrity of the canvas, but is capable of releasing vapors with a characteristic odor.
  2. Varnishes and paints have multi-component compositions that weather for quite a long time.
  3. Leather elements emit the smell of paint that was used during the furniture making period.

Naturally, the cheaper the furniture, the brighter and more unpleasant the smell emanates from it and the longer the weathering process will be. And, if at first this causes irritation, headaches, loss of strength and problems with the respiratory system will appear in the future.

Precautionary measures

When deciding to get rid of an unpleasant odor on upholstered furniture, you must adhere to 2 rules:

  • Observe safety precautions when working with components used to prepare cleaning products. You should not assume that if substances that are in everyday use were used to make a solution or mixture, then they will not cause harm. It is recommended to carry out work with rubber gloves, avoid contact of products with skin and clothing. After carrying out work to help remove urine from upholstered furniture, hands are thoroughly washed and moisturized with a nourishing cream.
  • You should carefully consider the choice of a product designed to remove unpleasant odors from furniture. Before using them, test the prepared mixture on a part of the furniture hidden from view. If there is no change in the color of the sofa upholstery, get to work.

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