5 options for replacing carpet on the floor

A mirror is an excellent decor that is suitable for any interior style. Tastefully decorated, they can replace a picture or even a window and visually expand even the smallest room.

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Mirrors can be hung almost anywhere, from the bathroom, kitchen to hallway or living room. Thanks to them, you can visually enlarge a small area and decorate the room. An excellent solution is to hang several small mirrors on the wall. Mirrors of different sizes hanging in the bathroom or living room can be combined with a brightly colored wall.

Wicker panel

Wickerwork can become elements of chairs or tables. You can use natural material to decorate all kinds of furniture, for example, it will serve as an excellent base for a sofa or bed in the bedroom, to which you simply add soft pillows in your favorite color. Wicker decor is also ideal for the bathroom or kitchen - they play a functional and decorative role at the same time. They look much better than standard plastic decor.

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The main advantage of wicker decor is its naturalness and environmental friendliness. In all cases, wickerwork retains its authenticity and harmony with nature.

Place the carpet in an unusual way

There are many ways to hang a rug on a wall. Let's see what fashion designers and magazines offer.

  1. Above the furniture. This white and blue rug from Urban Outfitters features a contrasting pattern and a deep pile to add some variety to a pale blue wall that might otherwise look too flat.
  2. The entire wall. Homestead Seattle designers presented this living room with a huge rug that takes up almost the entire wall. In terms of cost per inch, it's an affordable way to cover an entire surface and create a beautiful accent. And in this case, the carpet continues the theme of the carpet on the floor, uniting the walls and floor.
  3. A Moroccan rug like this one from Elle Decor, while taking up significant space above the bed, remains a neutral backdrop for this serene bedroom. It gives the wall additional warmth and depth.
  4. Narrow rugs or runners, such as the Ferm Living Kelim Carpet, can create small “moments” in areas of the wall where there is an obvious gap and nothing to fill it.
  5. And in this design, the carpet (from Bobochoses) was an alternative to art: paintings and posters. It's fun, graphic, and adds color to the space and a welcoming feel to the room.

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Carpet on the wall: tradition and modernity

The article was taken from our good friends - the Brother Fox company - link to the original.

Over the past few years, the Soviet tradition of hanging an oriental rug on the wall has been actively ridiculed. Is everything really that bad? Let's figure it out.

First of all, it is worth noting that hanging carpets on the wall was not invented in the USSR. And there is confirmation of this: one of the two most ancient carpets found in Altai, according to scientists, was just a wall one and decorated people’s homes in the 5th century BC. Maybe the idea is not so bad if it has such roots?

Hang or put?

It is a big misconception to think that a carpet should only be on the floor. In everyday life it was used for a variety of purposes:

— the carpet was used instead of a tablecloth on the table;

— it was used as a cover for sofas and benches;

- it served instead of doors, screens and room partitions;

— wall bags were made from carpets, which served as modern wardrobes and chests of drawers;

- on holidays they were hung out like banners;

- made shoulder pads for carrying the jug;

- used as blankets for horses.

Agree, after such a list, the idea of ​​​​hanging a carpet on the wall no longer seems so original.

Jan Vermeer. A girl reading a letter by an open window. 1657

Jan Vermeer. Sleeping girl. 1656-1657

Wall carpet: the origins of tradition

Steppe nomads lined their tents with carpets. This allowed us to stay warm and feel comfortable in a new place. Instead of a door there is also a woolen carpet, which later migrated to the walls of the inhabitants of Western and Central Asia.

In the West, tapestries (tapestry) were more popular. These carpet-pictures, intended exclusively for walls, began to be made in the 10th-11th centuries. and they still do.

Cornelis de Man. Game of chess. Tue floor. 17th century

Jan Vermeer. Lady writing a letter with her maid. 1670

In the 13th century, the first products of Persian and Turkish production appeared in the West. Europeans, who have always been supporters of laconic designs, appreciated rich patterns. Luxurious decoration became a symbol of the owner’s well-being.


Russian houses have always had a lot of fabric, in the artistic processing of which our ancestors achieved special skill. This made it possible to diversify the interior, and the hay of textiles served as decoration for the house on holidays. Perhaps it was this design feature of the 16th-17th centuries that became the forerunner of the tradition of hanging a rug over the bed. Moreover, it was followed not only in simple houses.

Bedroom P.I. Tchaikovsky. Wedge. Photo from the 1890s

In the second third of the 19th century, oriental style came into fashion. The nobility believed that at least one room in the house should pay tribute to the beauty of oriental art. A mandatory attribute was a wall carpet brought from Iran, Azerbaijan, Turkey, Central Asia or the Caucasus. Often they covered several walls at once, creating the atmosphere of a fairy tale kingdom.

In the Caucasus, weapons were hung on carpets, and furniture was also covered with carpets. In the specialized literature, this trend is called “oriental rooms”. Until 1910, they were a favorite meeting place for young people, and after the revolution they met in the houses of emigrants.

Corner of the Persian living room in the house of General P.N. Shatilova. Tiflis, 1890s

Persian living room in the house of General P.N. Shatilova. Tiflis, 1890s

Caucasian bedroom of Latvian actress Lilia Stengele. Riga, 1930

Gradually, fashion took over the homes of ordinary citizens. Therefore, it is quite possible that the strange Soviet tradition is not so strange after all. Most likely, this became a natural continuation of the history of Russian interior design.

In addition, the special attitude towards “his brilliance” in Soviet times was largely determined by price. Carpets were not cheap: a luxury item cost at least three months' salary for an average engineer. I wanted to protect such a thing, so they didn’t walk on it, but hung it in a place of honor.


Nowadays, Russian interior decor does not include carpeting on vertical surfaces. Western designers act much more boldly.

Carpets, as a rule, are hung in the bedroom at the head of the bed or in the living room, and in the most visible place. With their help, unusual combinations are created: carpet + metal pipes, carpet + wood.

Obviously, this method of using carpet is unique in its own way. It has a long history of use in design and everyday life.

To hang or not? A question of discovery. They say that a person is truly free if he is free from prejudice. So, perhaps, in the matter of using a carpet on the wall, it is worth going towards new creative solutions...

In our assortment, Dutch carpets ITC Natural Luxury Flooring are perfect for use on the wall (and not only) - link to the catalog.

How to clean?

Many housewives do not like carpet on the wall because of the difficulties that arise during its cleaning. It collects a lot of dust, and complex manipulations have to be carried out to freshen the room.

How to clean a carpet without removing it from the wall:

  • Carpets should be cleaned with a vacuum cleaner no more than twice a week. It is not recommended to press the nozzle tightly. You need to move in the direction of the pile.
  • You can knock out the carpet on the wall using a damp sheet. The product is covered with it and knocked out. All dirt remains on the fabric.
  • Grease stains from the carpet are removed with sawdust or potato starch soaked in gasoline.

A carpet on the wall is no longer a boring and dull element in every person’s apartment, but an effective tool in the hands of designers and ordinary people seeking to create an unusual interior.

What to hang on the wall instead of a carpet: standard and original ideas

The carpet on the wall is a relic of the past and an excellent dust collector from the times of the Soviet Union. Now this solution when decorating an apartment is far from fashionable, which is why we decided to tell you about options that can replace an old carpet.

How can I replace a carpet on a wall?

Creative Carpet Replacement Ideas

There are several original ideas instead of a carpet on the wall.

  1. Bike. If you love an active lifestyle and have a bicycle at your disposal, then with the onset of winter you can place the vehicle on the wall by making reliable mounts. However, a bicycle will be an excellent decoration in the summer if you don’t ride it too often. You can also hang an old Soviet bicycle on the wall, having previously restored it.
  2. Snowboard. Like a bicycle, a beautiful snowboard will also become an original interior detail and a more than complete replacement for the carpet.
  3. Wallpaper application. And if the previous options don’t suit you, experiment and create a unique applique from leftover wallpaper. At the same time, you can involve children in the process, because creating an applique is a great way to spend family leisure time!


Indoor flowers

Usually we put them on the windowsill, floor or on the terrace. Have you tried mounting them on the wall? Today there are many original ways to place them. In stores you can find shelves with built-in recesses for placing indoor plants, regular holders for pots and special mounts for ivy on the wall.

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